In trying times the roasting tin takes centre stage. As enjoyable a means of wasting time as flip-flipping between multiple hobs at once can be, every so often you want to cook, serve, and eat a meal where the oven's done most of the work. Today's recipe is one of those meals. OK, it isn't quite a Diana Henry-style bung-it-straight-in-the-oven-and-hope-for-the-best job but the hob-work is so easy and stress-free that it might as well be. The combination of cabbage, chickpeas, and chorizo gives the dish a (given the blog, fittingly) Spanish feel, though you could quite easily make the case for it being a pan-Mediterranean meal as befitting of a dinner table in Cadiz as it is one on Crete. Just swap the chorizo for your local highly spiced and super fatty sausage and you're away. I can only begin to image, in fact, how ludicriously tasty the combination of sweet cabbage and merguez would be. Whatever sausage you go for, this one's a winner. The recipe comes fro...
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